Titres dernièrement diffusés :
SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | Lily B - The way i am now | Calogero / Soprano - Prends ma main | R3hab / Mufasa - Believe (Shooting stars) | Lara Fabian - Je t'ai cherche | Jehro - Why me | UB40 - Higher ground | SENSATIONS - La musique revient | SENSATIONS - La musique revient... | Eels - Novocaine for the soul | Coldplay - Good Feelings | Marc Lavoine - Le protocole | Tracy Chapman - Talkin about a revolution | DeLaurentis - I'm just a rose | Les Enfoires - Le monde demain | SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | Tones and I - Never seen the rain | Mano negra - Out of time man | Sandi Thom - The devil's beat | SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | The Cure - Just like heaven | Adame - Puisque cette histoire | Billie Eilish - Birds of a feather | Lady Gaga - Born this way | Prince - Sign of the times | Mc Solaar - Maitre de ceremonie | SENSATIONS - La musique revient | SENSATIONS - La musique revient... | Laszlo Jones - Download me i'm free | Chloe Moriondo - Shoreline | Nina Morato - Maman | Boris Way / Bandana - Gold | Bea and Her Business - Safety net | Pierre Guenard - 7X ma langue | Zaz / Leo Rizzi - Serendipia | Eight Wonder - I'm not scared | SENSATIONS - LA MUSIQUE REVIENT | Dasha - Austin | Texas - Everyday now | Superbus / Hoshi - Lola